Friday, June 18, 2010

Getting over jetlag

I've arrived. Actually, I've been here over 24 hours now. But it's taken me some time to access the internet. Plus, I wouldn't dare write anything while suffering from jetlag, as I had been yesterday. I'm not sure if it was jetlag so much as lack of sleep, having clocked in MAYBE two and a half hours of sleep on the flight over. Some people are good sleepers on airplanes - I guess I am not one of them. But, I've learned from a couple of previous trans-Atlantic experiences to stay up, no matter how tired you are and how much you want to nap. Because it won't just be a nap, it'll be a full night's worth. THEN you'll be jetlagged.

Landed mid-morning, and easily made my way to my friend's Kensington flat where I am staying. The location is perfect - as prime as any. Dropped my stuff off and wandered off to nearby Kensington High Street for coffee. My afternoon consisted of walking around Kensington Gardens. It was a gorgeous day - in the mid-20s and sunny. People were out strolling, sunning themselves, or kicking a soccer ball around. I basically wandered around...and around...and around. The point was to keep walking. Whenever I stopped, there was the very real risk of falling asleep. I did - eventually - make my way to the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain. It was erected (dug?) in 2004 and is, essentially, a round, flowing, wading pool. You're allowed to wade in it. Which I did. Which was good for the feet, and for keep conscious. (I contemplated sticking my head in, but thought better of it).

The jetlag/lack of sleep contributed to the very odd feeling that, here I was, walking in London, and it not feeling real. I think modern air travel has that weird effect: plunking you out of one spot, and in a relatively short amount of time plunking you back down in a distant locale. It's almost as though it's unnatural, as though your physical self may have arrived, but your consciousness, your sense of being here, hasn't quite caught up. As I said to my friend in New York when I last visited: My body has traveled by plane, but my soul is on horseback. It'll take a few days to catch up. That'll be one tired horse.

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